
Big Sky Times

Monday, June 17, 2024

US Senate candidate from Montana: Sen. Tester 'supports open borders and letting illegal immigrants invade our country'

Webp sheehy

Tim Sheehy | Sheehy Website

Tim Sheehy | Sheehy Website

Republican Senate candidate from Montana, Tim Sheehy, has accused his opponent Sen. John Tester (D-MT) of supporting open borders and "wanting to let Mayorkas off the hook." This statement was made on April 5.

"We need leaders with the backbone to do what's right, restore accountability in DC, and seal the border,” said Tim Sheehy," said Sheehy, MT Senate Candidate, according to X. "@jontester wants to let Mayorkas off the hook because they BOTH support open borders and letting illegal immigrants invade our country."

According to Fox News, Democratic senators in swing states are under pressure due to the impeachment trial of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the border crisis. Among those expected to face this pressure is Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT). Republican senators have alleged that Tester has been evasive during negotiations on the $1.2 trillion border spending package, a claim that Tester has refuted.

Tim Sheehy's X | X (Twitter)

Sheehy expressed his stance in a Fox News article saying, "The Senate should hold a full impeachment trial." He further criticized Tester stating, "Senator Jon Tester wants to avoid a trial and let Mayorkas off the hook because they BOTH support the radical Left’s push of open borders and letting illegal immigrants flood into America. We deserve accountability!"

In 2021, in support of Mayorkas' confirmation, Tester said, "It’s our duty to put somebody in this role who is up to the task to get things done. And I’m here to assure you that Ali Mayorkas is that man," according to a press release from Sheehy's camp. However, on April 16, 2024, it was reported that Tester avoided the articles of impeachment presented against Mayorkas and supported dismissing the trial.

Sheehy's website reveals personal details about him; he is a husband and father of four children. His military background includes service as a Navy SEAL Officer and Team Leader, earning him several decorations such as the Bronze Star with Valor and the Purple Heart Medal.



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