City of Livingston issued the following announcement on June 4
The City of Livingston is in the process of updating the 2017 Growth Policy. The City seeks to update the Growth Policy to reflect the needs and desires of the community and to provide meaningful guidance for the City for future land-use decisions. On October 1, 2019, the City Commission passed a resolution to hire Burton Planning Services (Burton Planning) to perform the update. The entire process will last into October 2020.
What is a growth policy, you might ask? A growth policy is an official public document that is intended to guide future social, physical, environmental, and economic growth and development of a place. A growth policy is required by the State of Montana as outlined in the Montana Revised Code.
The purpose of Livingston’s Growth Policy update is three-fold:
1) It will serve as an integral land use planning guidance tool as the community, including the 2-mile extraterritorial jurisdiction, grows and develops;
2) It will reflect the desires and needs of the community as well as the existing and future capacity of the City’s infrastructure, economy, and natural environment; and
3) It will name the best locations for growth and assist the City with ensuring that development and investment occur appropriately.
The Growth Policy Update process is in the stage of developing goals and objectives. Goals and objectives will be based on input received by the community through online surveys, community and stakeholder meetings, and general public comments, as well as factual information about the demographics, housing, economy, natural environment, public services, transportation network, and land use in Livingston.
Join us! On Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at the Civic Center at 229 River Drive, Livingston, there will be two community meetings to get additional community input on the Growth Policy update and to share information about the project. The same meeting will be held at two different times from 12-2 PM and 5-7 PM. Each meeting will be limited to 50 attendees as a public safety precaution.
You may RSVP via the City’s calendar at or You may also contact Faith Kinnick at (406) 823-6002.
Original source can be found here.