People who have asthma may notice more severe symptoms during winter months because of dry air and abrupt changes in weather. | Pexels/Kristin Vogt
People who have asthma may notice more severe symptoms during winter months because of dry air and abrupt changes in weather. | Pexels/Kristin Vogt
A spike in false reports of property owners not shoveling their sidewalks is being seen by City officials in Missoula.
Residents are asked not to make complaints out of spite or as a joke and are reminded to keep sidewalks clear of snow and ask people to help neighbors who might be unable to clear their sidewalks.
"Please do not make erroneous snow-shoveling complaints out of spite. It is not a joking matter," a guideline released by city officials stated, according to NBC Montana."
Officials also said it takes time for staff to write the violation, and it could lead to an unwarranted assessment on a property owner's tax bill.
The guideline also reminded residents to volunteer to help neighbors who are unable to shovel their sidewalks; understand that clear, safe sidewalks are an important part of Missoula’s transportation network for all residents. The City’s ordinance is in place to encourage people to do their part; do not push snow from sidewalks and driveways into the streets; and to please be kind.
Renters are advised to check their rental agreement "or ask your landlord if you are responsible for clearing the sidewalks around your rental property," according to the city's website.