Sen. Steve Daines | Facebook
Sen. Steve Daines | Facebook
An election commission has been requested to review the Nov. 3, 2020 presidential election process by U.S. Sen. Steve Daines.
“An unprecedented number of Americans have significant doubts about the integrity of 2020 presidential election results. Fewer than 45,000 votes spread across three states would alter the vote of the Electoral College. Couple that with the fact that the processes and the way Americans voted was altered at a scale never before imagined outside what the state legislative process intended. There have been continued reports of irregularities with signature verification, different rules for mail-in ballots versus in-person ballots, delayed receipt of ballots, inconsistent curing of ballots, a lack of meaningful access to the polls, the dispute process and counting process for partisan poll watchers. These issues have cast doubt on the legitimacy of the presidential election outcome which needs further investigation for the credibility of our institutions," Daines said in a press release from his website.
Daines said auditing the election results will help restore confidence to Montana residents.
“Senators have raised concerns following previous elections before. They debated the issues and as a result created a path toward reforms that were made for future elections. Furthermore, I believe it is important that we agree to hear the concerns of Americans, and that’s why I believe it’s important that we form the electoral commission. To answer the questions outstanding, find resolution and protect the democratic process," he said in the press release.